Classes and Workshops 

please contact me for current dates or see german version * there are more available!

The ocean within us
and the ability for change

Water is the element all cells grow out of. Fluidity is needed to sustain life. In us human beings there exist a lot of different fluids with different functions and rhythms - all permanently transforming from one fluid into the other with a slightly change of the composition of its contents - the change happens at the membranes.
Following I quote B.B. Cohen and L. Hartley´s words: "Fluids underlie presence and transformation and they do play a major role in the counterbalancing of tension and relaxation, rest and activity. They also concern self-nurturing, nurturing of others, play, laughter or the setting of boundaries (...). Our ability to flow between these states depends on the willingness of our mind to choose to flow with the process of change within and around us."
In the 3 hour class we will embody some fluids as f.ex. the cerobrospinal fluid which circles around the brain and down the spine. Moving with it might create a feeling of a luxury bath for our nerves, releasing stress from too much thinking or analysing. Sensing and moving our interstitial fluid, a big ocean inside us, is one of the best possibilities to me to release muscular tension. In combination with the flexibility and direction of the connective tissue, tensed muscles could be soothed and fascial structures be unglued. We will also explore the lymph fluid with it clear flow from the periphery to our heart. Embodying this inward flow during extending our body out can support us being clear and setting boundaries. My interest is to explore the transitions from one fluid to the other and to give inspiration to furthermore research on the role of our mind in creating flow or blockage in our whole system.

where: Moscow, one-world center
when: wednesday, june 22nd, 7-10 pm
info and registration: Nina Kungurova mail to


Somatics and Outdoor Authentic Movement & Explorations

In this weekend workshop we are going on a journey to explore our body and move in relation to others and our surroundings in the natural environment of Tarusa Farm.
The landscape around the farm will be our partner for dialogue, connection and resonance. She offers us different impressions and may nourish our bodies and souls, our vitality as well as our creative potential.
Essential for my work is to give time and space to tune in into ourselves and allow the body to take over, to unwind, to sense, to move or to play.
To support these processes we will start the day with a somatic warm up on the base of IBMT/BMC - material in the studio and we will move outside after a lunch break, using our body awareness and Authentic Movement as inspiration for the outdoor explorations.

Date: june 24-26
Fr evening: 4-6 pm arrival for participants & short tune in at late evening
Sat 10 am - 7 pm (with 2 hours of lunch break)
Sun 10 am - 4 pm (with 1 h lunch break)
Info and registration:
Masha Grudskaya mail to:


Stability & flow -
bodysystems and improvisation

To move with joy and ease in our lives we need both: stability and flow. With a stable base it´s more likely to find a nourishing ground for playfulness and joy.
Two helpful friends for a stable base are always with us:
our bones and the ground beneath us. The earth does carry us safely and we can release all of our weight into it - physical as well as emotionally/psychological - at least for a moment. And this moment might open a door for rest, regeneration or play. The fluids of our body might support ourselves to react on permanent changes and bring in a juicy joy of life and laughter if they flow free.

Connecting to the fluids of our own body, we can find a lot of different qualities, for example:

  • releasing tensed muscles through activating the tissue pump of the intercellular fluid
  • luxury connection and elastic direction through moving in our connective tissue
  • stillness and presence in the cellular fluid
  • clearness and boundaries through embodying lymph fluids
  • space, flow as well as connection between brain and body through the cerebrospinal fluid
  • connection to earth and rhythm through embodying the weighty flow of our blood
  • joy and nerve release through moving in our fatty tissues...

Depending on the rhythm of the group we will explore and embody some aspects of stability and flow - raising our awareness of all bodysystems supporting each other and being interweaved at most times.

place, date & time:
St. Petersburg at wednesday, 29.6.2016 from 7 - 10 pm
Info and registration:
Anna Biegunska

Summer & Senses
In this 3 hour class we will refresh our minds, bodies and souls through connecting to our senses - one possibility to balance our autonomic nervous system.
Wear comfortable, light or flowing clothes to move in and bring a big scarf of any material you like to touch, with any colour you like to see. Also bring a fruit or something you love to eat (and maybe share) with you.
During this class we might pick up some material of the first class, but it´s also possible to join new into it.

place, date & time:
St. Petersburg at thursday, 30.6.2016 from 7 - 10 pm
Info and registration:
Anna Biegunska

Impressions of a somatic workshop

Video: Alyona Glukhova



Somatic Bodytherapeutic group trainings with Susanne Kukies, Maren Hillert, Jan Burckhardt, Bettina Mainz, Volkmar Mickal

         2013, 5 weekends in berlin

If we want to live the change (which is always present) we need inner stability. To appreciate mobility we need an inner assuredness to be welcome on earth. The aim of the training is to open and nourish our sources for self-acceptance, love and security. Movement is vibrancy, vitality and life.

        2014, 5 weekends in Berlin

for details don´t hesitate to call or send an e-mail!


WE 350.- Euro, whole cycle: 1750.- Euro
reduction possible:
WE 300.- Euro, Jahreszyklus 1.500.- Euro

More information 

00 49-30- 69 80 81 19

or call maren
00 49 - 30 - 292 22 61



with Linda Hartley - director (GB), Maren Hillert (D), Frauke Burchards (D), Kama Korytowska (PL) und Cornelia Schmitz (D)

The 3-year diploma training began for the first time in Vilnius, Lithuania, in November 2011 and starts in september 2013 in Moscow.
The 5 modules will take place within 15 weeks over the three years. 

Teaching language: Englisch with translation into lithuania, german explanations possible. 


* november 2011, 25-29: intrauterine movement patterns

* march 2012, 23-27: early patterns & birth process

* july 2012 13-17: early infant movement patterns 1

* september 2012, 14-18: erarly infant movement patterns 2

Linda about the first year:

"This exciting new course will offer an integration of embodied studies in Infant Movement Development with an understanding of the psychological dimension of these earliest learning experiences. Using movement, hands-on work and body meditations to embody cells, membranes, tissues, fluids and movement patterns, the course will explore the process of development from conception through embryological and fetal life, birth and the first year.

At each stage of the process you will be invited to re-enter and re-embody the developmental movement patterns. We will explore how each pattern has influenced the developing sense of self, personality organisation and attachment patterns as we relate each stage to current patterns of experiencing, perceiving, expressing and relating. (...)"

More information, also about trainings in GB:

registration for Vilnius:

registration for moscow:

or contact me - see contact!


Attention, Massage, Movement, Songs for babies AND Yoga-moves for parents.

Class description

After a common beginning song, the parents are giving full attention to the lying and/or moving babies. We are witnessing the different movement & communication possibilities and do honor the uniqueness of each baby soul.
Afterwards we give space to the babies for own exploration and begin to move ourselves: easy yoga-stretches & strenghthening of the whole body.
Follows some singing and movement games with the little ones, guided baby massage and time to rest and digest.


on wednesdays:
january: 12., 19., 26. *  february: 2., 9., 23. * march 2., 9., 16., 23., 30. * continues in april if there is interest!


10 - 11 Uhr (Eltern + 10-12 Mon. Babies),
11.30 - 12.30 Uhr (Eltern + 4-6 Mon. Babies)


80 Euro/10x


Körperarbeit am Zionskirchplatz, Griebenowstr.10-11
Info: Maren Hillert, 292 22 61


Workshop-Series: Autumn rolls,
Body-Mind Centering and Dance

Sorry, the description of this workshop is just available in german. Please see this page or call Maren for translation

Who is it for?

For all people who are keen to experiment and who lust for move.

Schedule and costs

Always Saturday:
03.10.09, 24.10.09, 28.11.09, 12.12.09
11:00 am – 03:00 pm
80 € | reduced 70 €
By multiple booking 10 % discount on your total amount.


Fabrik Potsdam, Schiffbauergasse 10

ONLINE RGISTRATION: via, page workshops/mitmachen
or direct by me (see Contact)
INFOS: 00 49 (0)331 - 280 03 14 direct by me: 00 49 (0)20 - 292 22 61


"Dance until your hair is flying"
Contact Improv and Movement Research

'Rolling, sliding, falling,
melting into the ground.
Flying, fluid movements, robot-movements,
push, pull and reach for joy.
You notice different tensions in your body,
exploring yourself from inside out.
Dance till your hair is flying
then come back down to rest.'

Who is it for?

A class for people who are curious and like to experiment with movement. Beginners are welcome. Regular attendance is preferable because the classes are designed to build on one another.


Raw-tempel, Revaler Str. 99, yellow building, 1. floor, "theaterlounge"
entrance: 2. gate between Simon-Dach and Libauer Straße, Berlin – Friedrichshain.

Schedule and costs

Tuesdays 8-10 p.m.

winter: stability - structure and nourishing yourself
10.2. - 31.3.09
8 classes/ 64 Euro
try out/ single classes: 10 Euro

spring: flow - flexibility - growth
21.4. - 2.6.09
7 classes/ 56 Euro

early summer: experiment - colours - explosion of senses
16.6. - 21.7.09
6 classes/ 48 Euro

Information and registration or
+49 (0)163-683 11 61
+49 (0)30-292 22 61

Full Class Descripton

The class combines elements of Improvisation, Body-Mind Centering®,
Release Technique and Contact Improvisation.
All these facets of contemporary dance focus on the natural movement possibilities of your own body. They work with your connection to the floor and to centre.

Rolling, falling, melting into the ground and rising up again with no effort are typical elements of these dance forms.
Looking for the ground inside ourselves we anchor ourselves in our body.
We follow our own rhythm, with or without music, restful or wild, slow or fast, powerful or gentle.
We dance alone, with a partner or in small groups, exploring different kinds of structured and free improvisation.
Integral to the class is time to give and receive some teacher led
bodywork so that we can go into the week in a fresh and relaxed way.