
  • want to get in touch with your body and its myriad of possibilities ?
  • want to connect to your creative spirit and realize its potential, but feel blocked from doing so?

See Classes and Individual Sessions

Do you

  • feel disconnected from your body?
  • suffer from physical pain (head, back, knees or elsewhere)?
  • suffer from reduced range of motion?
  • suffer from chronic illness?
  • experience mood swings, disorientation?
  • feel unsure of the ground beneath your feet?

See Integrative Bodywork and Movement Therapy or Individual Sessions

Or your baby

  • shows a reduced range of motion or is particularly slow in his/her development?
  • Is it difficult to you, to understand the utterances of your baby?
  • Does your baby behave in a way that worries you? For example, do they constantly cry or do they throw back their head when screaming in an alarming way?


  • are you burned out, hungry for touch?
  • do you want to indulge your body and pamper your soul?

See Massage


Through healing Touch, Sound, Dialogue and Movement, I will help you to
  • gain a feeling of well-being and rootedness
  • rediscover delight in moving
  • develop inner strength and coordination
  • expand your range of movement
  • accelerate and deepen your healing process after accidents or operations
  • understand the baby´s movement development in your new role as a parent. Infant development patterns do influence the development of the baby´s brain and broadens the range of possibilities for the nervous system. This helps later on in learning to write, read, count and to understand and process other brain based material.
  • support your body’s potential to heal at a cellular level.


You will gain awareness, clarity and deep relaxation, and thereby discover new ways of thinking and being in the world. New possibilities and choices will open to you.