Authentic Movement 'I move with eyes closed Authentic Movement is a very effective way to contact our emotions, inner images and impressions as well as unfamiliar movement material. We learn to perceive our surroundings and fellow humans with less judgement through becoming aware of our judgements and owning them. This is very supportive for the personal, as well as for the artistic or therapeutic process. 'Authentic Movement is a contemplative movement discipline which has
evolved within the field of dance movement therapy, and been influenced
by Jungian psychology and meditative practice. As in the discipline of
mindfulness meditation, we seek to pay attention to our direct experience,
moment by moment, witnessing the sensations, feelings, thoughts, images
and movement impulses which arise into consciousness.' In short, Authentic Movement is movement with closed eyes, which is witnessed by a partner with mindful awareness. Witness and Mover The ground form of the discipline involves the relationship between one
who moves and one who witnesses; through her mindful presence and compassionate
attention the witness creates a safe space which the mover enters, eyes
closed, to attend to his/her inner world. The mover is invited to surrender
to the flow of impulses which arise from the Sharing When, later, mover and witness share their experiences, the witness learns
to recognise and own projections, interpretations and judgements, coming
to understand how they obscure the clear seeing of another. Through being
witnessed with non-judgmental acceptance, clarity and compassion, the
mover is enabled to develop a clear and The enhancing of this receptive quality of clear attention can profoundly
support the practice of all disciplines which are based on the
healing quality of relationship´. |